
Don’t hesitate to reach out and get in touch with one of our many ministries.

Liturgy & Music

Altar Servers

Contact: 725-0123
Boys and girls assist the priest during Mass and other Liturgical celebrations. Training is provided. Time commitment: serve several masses during each month.

Eucharistic Ministers

Contact: Vickie Schiavoni, 725-0415
Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest in the distribution of Communion in the form of bread and wine. One four hour Diocesan training is provided. Time commitment: assist at 2 or 3 Masses each month.

Eucharistic Ministers For The Home Bound

Contact: Vickie Schiavoni, 725-0415
This group has the privilege to bring the Eucharist into the homes of those who are unable to attend Mass. Diocesan training is provided. Time commitment is dependent upon parish needs.

Ministers Of The Word (Lector)

Contact: Vickie Schiavoni, 725-0415
Lectors proclaim the Word of God during Sunday and daily Liturgies. One four hour Diocesan training is required. Workbooks are provided to assist with background information and preparation. Time commitment: serve 2-3 Masses each month.

Liturgy Committee

Contact: 725-0123

The Liturgy Committee is a cross section of the Parish who meet to insure good quality celebrations on Sunday, with special emphasis on seasonal celebrations. Time commitment: meetings as required.

Daily Sacristans

Contact: Vickie Schiavoni, 725-0415
This ministry does the preparation for daily mass and funerals. Training is provided. Time commitment: volunteer for one mass per week.

Ministers Of Liturgical Environment

Contact: Cathy Montaldo, 725-0123

The purpose of this ministry is to create a prayerful and peaceful atmosphere for our liturgies. This is done through the use of flowers, decorations and wall hangings, thereby creating a sense of harmony. Time commitment: seasonal and shared.

Pastoral Council


This is a consultative and visionary group established to raise the quality of parish life and pastoral activity. The group seeks awareness of the needs, hopes, ideas and concerns of the parish, evaluates present parish activities and proposes objectives and goals for the parish in a spirit of trust and respect. Membership is determined through a discernment process after actively seeking candidates from parish sources as well as current council members.

Property And Facilities Committee

Contact: 725-0123

This group of parishioners advises and assists the Pastor on all matters regarding the upkeep and utilization of parish buildings and grounds. This includes developing improvement plans as required and obtaining estimates and bids for capital improvements. Members are appointed by the Pastor.

Dream Ministries

Contact: 725-0123

What ministry would you like to see at St. Andrews? Please give us your suggestions and we may be able to work together to make dreams come true.

Community Life

Knights Of Columbus

Contact: 725-0123

A fraternal order of Catholic men dedicated to works of faith, family, charity and patriotism. They help support the Church, orphanages, the handicapped and the underprivileged, beyond our Parish. As active parishioners, the members are generous in support and ministry. They meet the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7PM in the parish center.


Contact: Joan Drohan 725-5741

An auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus, open to women who are practicing Catholics. They support each other spiritually, socially and intellectually. They are active in charitable works. They meet the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1:00PM in the parish center.


Eucharistic Adoration

Adoration takes place each first Friday following the 9AM Mass. This allows our parishioners time each month to personally worship Jesus through Eucharistic Adoration. Spending time with Jesus is always time well-spent.[/tab]

Parish Life

Altar Society

Contact: 725-0123

This is a dedicated group who take responsibility for the care of the altar, the sacristy and the church. This includes laundering, dusting and polishing. Time commitment is on rotation basis and varies with the liturgical season.

Collection Counters

Contact: 725-0123

These parishioners serve in this ministry by counting each week’s collection on Monday mornings for several hours. The commitment rotates.

Finance Committee

Contact: 725-0123

Along with the parish trustees, this group works with the Pastor, helping him to make financial decisions based on the true spirit of Christian stewardship. Members of this committee are appointed by the Pastor.


Contact: 725-0123

Stewardship is the thread that runs through the life of a parish. Our Stewardship office operates as a response to the Diocesan Program and provides encouragement for all our parishioners to make use of their gifts of time, talent and treasure.

Ministers Of Music

Adult Choir

Contact: Teri Kiselyak, 725-2488

The adult choir is a traditional music group which prepares and sings a variety of liturgical music suitable for Eucharistic celebrations. Members need not be musically trained but just possess a love of music and song. Time commitment: 2 hours weekly.

Youth Music Ministry

Contact: Charly Notturno, 725-5682

Our Youth Ministry sponsors the Life Teen Liturgy along with a vibrant music ministry. If you play an instrument and/or sing, you would be a welcome addition to this dedicated group. Time commitment: Tuesday evening practice & Sunday liturgy at 11:30AM.

Children’S Choir

Contact: Pam Balserus, 725-0123

Our children’s choir is new to the parish but a perfect complement to the 10AM Family Mass. Members are enthusiastic in their love of God and song. Time commitment: weekly Saturday afternoon practice.

Ministers Of Hospitality


Contact: 725-0123

This is a ministry of men and women who welcome our parishioners to the weekend liturgy and distribute the bulletins. Time commitment: 1 mass per week.


Contact Bill Hughes, 725-3083

The responsibilities of this ministry include seating people for liturgies and taking up the collections. Time commitment: Members serve at a specific mass each week.

Faith Formation

Infant Baptism Program

Contact: 725-0123

Parents are prepared for the reception of their child into our faith community by meeting with the Priest/Deacon preferably before the child is born. Great care is given to foster a deeper understanding of this Sacrament of Initiation and to help the parents build their own faith life within our church. Baptisms are celebrated monthly excluding the season of Lent.

RCIA – Rite Of Christian Initiation For Adults

Contact: 725-0123

This program is designed to prepare people for full membership in the Catholic Church. The candidate is welcomed and assisted in education and spiritual formation through Scripture, prayer and sharing on the nature of Jesus in our lives. Special rites are celebrated at different points in the candidate’s journey of preparation.

Religious Education

Contact: Robert Diederiks, 725-0123

This is a contemporary education and formation program for children, grades K through 8, attending non-Catholic schools, for on-going understanding of the Scriptures, the person and message of Jesus and their role as members of the Church. Emphasis is on the completion of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. Full parental involvement is an essential part of the program.

Youth Group

Contact: 725-0123

This ministry is open to Junior and Senior high school students. They meet Sunday afternoons following the 11:30 Youth Mass respectively for the purpose of building community with an atmosphere of trust, sharing and acceptance supported by prayer, community projects, activities and guidance. Volunteers are always welcome.

Social Ministry

Baptism Robe Sewers

Contact: Maureen Liccardi, 725-3338

Each child baptized in our parish receives a Baptismal Robe created by this ministry. Anyone who enjoys an ability to sew and embroider is welcome to join. Approximately 50 robes are made per year and all share in the work.

Be An Angel Ministry

Contact: 725-0123

The members of this ministry share their love with new-borns and newly baptized children. They extend support to the families, helping to build their connection to the parish. All are welcome.

Bereavement Ministry

Contact: 725-0123

The members of this Ministry provide support for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. With a facilitator, you are encouraged to help yourself and each other through prayer, sharing and friendship, and then, take these gathered gifts to others.

Community Social Ministry

Contact: Cathy Montaldo, 725-0123

Members work closely with Catholic Charities in providing for the temporal needs of our village community. All are welcome.

Consolation Ministry

Contact 725-0123

This ministry reaches out to families at the time of the death of a loved one. The members provide support during the days immediately following the death as well as assisting with the wake, funeral mass or prayer service. Time commitment: as required on a rotating basis.

Wedding Rehearsal Ministry

Contact: 725-0123

This group helps to create an atmosphere of spirituality and continuity for the wedding party. They assist in making that special day the best that it can be for all involved. Volunteers are welcome. Time commitment: a rehearsal and wedding on a rotating basis

Ministry Of Hospitality

Contact: 725-0123

This ministry brings refreshments and hospitality to many of the varied events and social gatherings sponsored by our different parish groups. All are welcome to join.